Every jurisdiction in Canada has some form of legislation pertaining to violence and harassment in the workplace. This area of law is constantly evolving with amendments to legislation adding new obligations for employers.

In particular, in Québec, Bill 42, An Act to prevent and fight psychological harassment and sexual violence in the workplace, received royal assent on March 27, 2024. This bill introduced new measures and protections for employees relating to harassment including but not limited to a new definition of ‘sexual violence’ and new policy content requirements.

In addition, currently in Saskatchewan only prescribed workplaces in high-risk industries are required to develop and implement a written violence policy statement and prevention plan. However, an amendment to The Saskatchewan Employment Act will require all workplaces have a written violence policy statement and prevention plan in place by May 17, 2024.

While variations in the law exist, there are some common elements, such as:

  • Conducting a workplace risk assessment
  • Establishing policies and procedures for preventing violence and harassment
  • Developing protocols for how employees report incidents of violence and harassment
  • Creating investigation procedures
  • Providing worker education and training

Just like any area of law, staying up to date and navigating employer obligations can be complex. In addition, failing to comply can lead to significant risk for organizations.

We are always here to help! If you have any questions, please contact ClientCare to schedule a call to discuss with an Advisor.